Terms & Conditions
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Legal Notice
Corporate Synergies Group, LLC. (“Corporate Synergies”) authorizes you to view, copy, and print documents published by Corporate Synergies on the World Wide Web for non-commercial use within your organization only. In consideration of this authorization, you agree that any copy of these documents shall retain all copyright and proprietary notices contained herein. Each document published by Corporate Synergies may contain other copyright information and proprietary notification relating to that individual document. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by estoppel, implication or otherwise any license or right under any trademark of Corporate Synergies or any third party. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or right under any Corporate Synergies copyright. The content herein shall not be copied or posted in any network computer or broadcast in any media. Any copy you make must include this copyright notice.
Corporate Synergies makes no representations about the suitability of the content of this site for any purpose. This information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, title, non-infringement and fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Corporate Synergies will not be liable to anyone with respect to any damages, loss or claim whatsoever, no matter how occasioned, in connection with access to or use of the contents of this site. in no event shall corporate synergies be liable for any special, indirect, exemplary or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to loss of use, data or profits, without regard to the form of any action including but not limited to contract or negligence or other tortious actions, arising out of or in connection with the use, copying or display of the content.
Corporate Synergies has taken care to ensure that the information which follows is complete, accurate and up-to-date. However, Corporate Synergies assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions which may occur. All the information provided is subject to change from time to time at the sole discretion of Corporate Synergies.
All publications may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. We reserve the right to make periodic changes, additions, and deletions to these publications, and the products and programs described in these publications without notice.
All questions, comments, suggestions or the like regarding the content of any Corporate Synergies document shall be deemed to be non-confidential and Corporate Synergies shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such information, and shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute the information to others without limitation. Furthermore, Corporate Synergies shall be free to use any ideas, concepts, techniques, or know-how contained in such information for any purpose, including but not limited to development and marketing products and services which incorporate said information.
Corporate Synergies Group, LLC Trademarks and Servicemarks
- Corporate Synergies™
- Synergies360℠
- BenefitsVIP®
- SynergiesSELECT℠
- BenefitsLIVE℠
- HRISynergies℠
- OnlineSynergies™
- NurseVIP℠
- ComplianceMINUTE℠
- WellnessMINUTE℠
Links to Other Sites
Some of the sites listed as links herein are not under the control of Corporate Synergies. Accordingly, Corporate Synergies makes no representations whatsoever concerning the content of those sites. The fact that Corporate Synergies has provided a link to a site is not an endorsement, authorization, sponsorship or affiliation by Corporate Synergies with respect to such site, its owners or its providers. Corporate Synergies is providing these links only as a convenience to you. Corporate Synergies has not tested any information, software or products found on these sites and therefore cannot make any representations whatsoever with respect thereto. There are risks in using any information, software or products found on the Internet, and Corporate Synergies cautions you to make sure that you completely understand these risks before retrieving, using, relying upon or purchasing anything via the Internet.