A boutique
benefits experience
Curious about the people behind our boutique experience?
Meet those who make the difference.
Eileen Scoggins has been with Corporate Synergies and our proprietary employee benefits advocacy team, BenefitsVIP, since the beginning. She was instrumental in establishing BenefitsVIP and has continued to define and refine how our advocates support clients’ employees.
From simple requests like ID cards to finding high-quality in-network providers, BenefitsVIP provides an irreplaceable service for employees. Advocates also provide benefits education, decision support and open enrollment assistance, helping them get the most out of their benefits and become savvier healthcare consumers. Much of this stems from Eileen’s expertise and stellar customer service.
If employees are faced with coverage denials or claims questions, BenefitsVIP advocates can take the case and track down solutions. Our advocacy teams have a direct line to carrier and provider decision-makers and can get answers faster than employees.
Eileen is also in charge of implementing BenefitsVIP technology platforms and ensuring client and carrier platforms are properly integrated. This includes her introduction and oversight of our new app, BenefitsVIP Mobile Powered by Rightway.
The app offers answers to questions when and where they come up. Employees can access important benefits information and connect with expert advocates with one tap on the go or at the doctor’s office. This is just the latest way Eileen continues to innovate employee benefits advocacy.
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Eileen implements BenefitsVIP technology platforms, ensuring client & carrier platforms are properly integrated, including our app: BenefitsVIP Mobile.
Rescuing an abused animal was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Seeing the lengths that Burlington County Animal Alliance goes to in rescuing these helpless creatures from all over the U.S. and ensuring they match them with well-meaning, caring homes is nothing less than extraordinary.
Taking dog Jodi for a walk around our lake or through walking trails in our township park, and going home to read a book on the back deck.
My sister and I just returned from a girls trip to explore the Pacific Northwest. Never have I laughed so much at our adventures in the mountains, cities or on the Puget Sound. I most definitely have never been in plain awe of the nature and scenery that was before us. Definitely a trip and experience that will not soon be forgotten.
Corporate Synergies
The Ferry Terminal Building
2 Aquarium Drive, Suite 200
Camden, NJ 08103
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